Welcome to One Minute Chines (OMC), the title of which suggests the old Chinese idea that a journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step. If you are perseverant and never give up, even if just for only a very short time like one minute per day, you can speak fluent Chinese.
One Minute Chinese
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Addressing People through Courtesy Titles- “Surname + Title”
Once you have mastered this unit, you will be able to use several titles to address people appropriately.
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Asking for Opinions with “…… zěnmeyàng?”
Once you have mastered the unit, you will be able to use five phrases to respond to the questions “How about …?”.
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Some Common Responses to the Greeting “How are you?”
We are going to start by introducing several common responses to the greeting “How are you?.” Once you have mastered the unit, you will be able to use Chinese to reply to the question and inquire about how someone is.