
Getting Started

Learning Chinese might end up being the most difficult and challenging thing I’ve ever done. I’ve been at it a year now and I speak Chinese like a … well, a one year old.

The holiday season in Taiwan

In this piece I share some thoughts on Christmas (聖誕節 Shèngdànjié) and New Year’s (新年xīnnián) in Taiwan.

Act natural

In this article I want to discuss several aspects of Chinese sentence construction that don’t always come naturally to English-speaking students.

Leading to frustration

They are 使得(shǐde), 讓(ràng) and 令(lìng). They all seem to mean “lead to,” “induce,” “bring about.”

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Bolicc Learn Songs-Because of Love

Here is a song for you to learn to express love to your beloved ones! (pinyin subtitles included)

Speech of parts

But in Chinese, apparently, these components fall into two categories, with different words.

Searching for the meaning of “找”

As you can see already, English and Chinese words do not exactly match one to one.

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